2021年2月28日 星期日

物件偵測 (#1/5): MS COCO的資料集格式

在進行AI圖像上, 常會看到MS COCO的資料集,

COCO 的圖片資料集,提供3種標注檔:object instances(用於物件偵測), person keypoints(人的關鍵點,用於姿態識別)以及 image captions(圖像標題, 5 captions per image) , 每種標注類型都有相應的json 檔。標注檔也分好了訓練集、驗證集。

with open(annotation_file, "r") as f:
    data = json.load(f)
print(f"Number of images: {len(annotations)}")
print(f"Number of images: {len(images)}")
print(f"Number of images: {len(categories)}")

The COCO dataset has been downloaded and extracted successfully.
Number of images: 36781
Number of images: 5000
Number of images: 80

images[60] => 取出index 60 這張圖的資訊

{'license': 1,
 'file_name': '000000360661.jpg',
 'coco_url': 'http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000360661.jpg',
 'height': 480,
 'width': 640,
 'date_captured': '2013-11-18 21:33:43',
 'flickr_url': 'http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3670/9709793032_f9ee4f0aa2_z.jpg',
 'id': 360661}

annotations[60] => 取出index 60 annotations資訊

{'segmentation': [[267.51,
 'area': 367.89710000000014,
 'iscrowd': 0,
 'image_id': 525083,
 'bbox': [265.67, 222.31, 26.48, 14.71],
 'category_id': 72,
 'id': 34096}

    "id": int,    
    "image_id": int,
    "category_id": int,
    "segmentation": RLE or [polygon],
    "area": float,
    "bbox": [x,y,width,height],
    "iscrowd": 0 or 1,

每一張圖片會有一個image_id, 而一張圖可能包含一個以上的單一物件或群物件. 針對每一個物件,
不論是單一物件或群物件, 都會用一個annotation來表現物件內容.. 一張圖會有多個annotation, 即多個物件

 "id": int, ==> 物件id
 "image_id": int, ==> 所屬的圖片
 "category_id": int, ==>此物件的類別id
 "segmentation": RLE or [polygon], ==> 單一物件或一群物件的區域描述
 "area": float, ==> 物件區域的Pixel總數
 "bbox": [x,y,width,height], ==> bounding box的座標
 "iscrowd": 0 or 1, ==> 0: 單一物件, 1: 一群物件 (如:一群觀眾) 

其中"segmentation": 若為單一物件, 則是以一個多邊形的座標點 [X1,Y1,X2,Y2, ....] 來描述此物件的區塊位置.
若是一群物件的區域描述, 如要描述一群蘋果,則會用Mask的方式來描述,如下圖所示。

一群物件的區域描述, 即iscrowd=1, 則segmentation的內容為

{'counts': [671, 10, 2, 2, 4, 22, 6, 31, 1, 11, 1, 10, 379, 16, 1, 25, 5, 55, 378, 43, 4, 55, 378, 44, 3, 55, 378, 44, 3, 55, 378, 44, 3, 55, 378, 44, 3, 55, 378, 44, 4, 54, 379, 29, 1, 16, 1, 54, 380, 28, 2, 15, 2, 53, 382, 23, 6, 15, 1, 8, 21, 1, 3, 3, 5, 12, 384, 20, 8, 16, 40, 12, 384, 16, 14, 15, 40, 10, 386, 10, 21, 14, 40, 8, 388, 8, 22, 15, 41, 3, 393, 3, 25, 15, 465, 15, 465, 15, 466, 14, 467, 13, 468, 12, 469, 10, 471, 8, 474, 3, 983, 7, 472, 9, 470, 11, 454, 6, 1, 20, 452, 28, 451, 30, 449, 31, 448, 33, 447, 34, 446, 35, 445, 35, 445, 35, 445, 35, 445, 36, 445, 36, 445, 35, 447, 33, 450, 30, 450, 30, 450, 12, 1, 17, 451, 10, 3, 16, 452, 8, 6, 13, 455, 4, 12, 8, 474, 3, 50865, 6, 459, 6, 8, 11, 454, 27, 452, 29, 450, 31, 448, 32, 448, 32, 448, 32, 448, 32, 448, 32, 448, 32, 448, 31, 450, 29, 452, 20, 2, 4, 456, 7, 1, 3, 1, 4, 7174, 6, 2, 6, 4, 14, 447, 34, 445, 36, 443, 38, 442, 38, 442, 38, 442, 38, 442, 38, 442, 38, 442, 38, 443, 36, 445, 34, 446, 6, 19, 6, 450, 3, 478, 1, 42714, 6, 473, 8, 471, 10, 469, 15, 465, 18, 462, 19, 461, 21, 459, 22, 458, 24, 456, 26, 455, 25, 456, 24, 458, 22, 461, 18, 463, 16, 466, 3, 5, 3, 3840, 7, 463, 20, 459, 22, 457, 27, 448, 33, 446, 35, 437, 44, 435, 46, 433, 47, 432, 48, 432, 48, 432, 48, 432, 48, 432, 30, 4, 14, 432, 29, 7, 12, 432, 29, 8, 10, 433, 29, 9, 8, 435, 13, 1, 1, 2, 10, 12, 3, 439, 12, 6, 7, 456, 10, 471, 3, 3, 2, 474, 1, 478, 2, 477, 3, 476, 4, 476, 9, 470, 11, 469, 12, 468, 13, 467, 14, 7, 1, 458, 23, 457, 23, 457, 23, 458, 22, 459, 21, 461, 19, 463, 18, 462, 19, 461, 20, 1, 9, 450, 33, 447, 34, 446, 36, 444, 37, 443, 38, 443, 38, 443, 37, 445, 35, 450, 7, 2, 21, 459, 21, 460, 20, 461, 19, 463, 3, 3, 10, 471, 8, 474, 3, 18209, 1, 479, 2, 478, 3, 477, 4, 476, 5, 475, 6, 474, 7, 474, 10, 471, 8, 474, 4, 5302, 7, 447, 4, 26, 4, 445, 6, 1, 15, 11, 3, 443, 29, 6, 3, 442, 32, 4, 2, 442, 38, 442, 38, 442, 38, 442, 38, 442, 38, 442, 37, 444, 16, 1, 18, 446, 8, 1, 3, 6, 3, 4, 8, 449, 3, 22, 4, 46076, 6, 468, 13, 466, 15, 461, 20, 459, 21, 458, 22, 457, 23, 457, 23, 457, 23, 457, 23, 457, 22, 458, 21, 459, 20, 460, 20, 461, 19, 462, 18, 463, 17, 462, 18, 461, 19, 460, 19, 461, 19, 461, 19, 461, 19, 461, 19, 461, 19, 461, 19, 461, 18, 463, 16, 465, 8, 1, 3, 470, 4, 31194, 12, 9, 6, 452, 29, 445, 36, 443, 38, 441, 39, 435, 45, 434, 46, 427, 53, 426, 54, 425, 55, 424, 55, 425, 54, 426, 53, 427, 51, 429, 25, 1, 24, 430, 22, 5, 22, 210], 'size': [480, 640]}


尚有其他訓練影像的標記格式, 如PASCAL VOC 以XML格式儲存, TensorFlow Object Detection 以.csv 儲存, 而Darknet (Yolo) 以.txt 儲存

2021年2月7日 星期日

關於 Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040)

關於 Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040) 

Raspberry Pi 基金會進軍微控制器 (MCU) 領域,推出了 Raspberry Pi Pico。該基金會還自主設計了 RP2040 晶片,這顆晶片配備雙核 ARM Cortex-M0+(主頻 133MHz),內建 264KB SRAM 並搭載 16MB Flash,其 GPIO 輸出為 3.3V。Pico 本身內建了 bootloader,但不具備作業系統(不同於 Raspberry Pi 或 Pi Zero 帶有 Linux 作業系統)。不過,Pi Pico 提供了 C/C++ SDK 和 MicroPython SDK,讓使用者能夠快速進行開發。值得注意的是,Pi Pico 支援 TensorFlow Lite 框架,使其可用於開發輕量級Deep Learnin應用。

7 × 7 mm QFN-56 package 

RP2040 Chip features:

  • Dual ARM Cortex-M0+ @ 133MHz
  • 264kB on-chip SRAM in six independent banks
  • Support for up to 16MB of off-chip Flash memory via dedicated QSPI bus
  • DMA controller
  • Fully-connected AHB crossbar
  • Interpolator and integer divider peripherals
  • On-chip programmable LDO to generate core voltage
  • 2 on-chip PLLs to generate USB and core clocks
  • 30 GPIO pins, 4 of which can be used as analog inputs
  • Peripherals
    • 2 UARTs
    • 2 SPI controllers
    • 2 I2C controllers
    • 16 PWM channels
    • USB 1.1 controller and PHY, with host and device support
    • 8 PIO state machines


Raspberry Pi Pico

Pi Pico 擴充板規格

由於Raspberry Pi Pico 本身並未內建任何感應器,為了使其能夠應用於物聯網(IoT)及邊緣人工智能(Edge AI)等領域,特別採用了台灣程式教育協進會開發的 Pi Pico 擴充板。該擴充板的規格如下:

1.) UART-to-USB (PL2303) 可連接PC

2.) UART座 for WiFi ESP-01模組

3.) SPI pin x1

4.) SPI 腳座for SPI ArduCAM

5.) I2C 針腳 x1

6.) I2C 腳座for OLED

7.) G-sensor (LIS3DH)

8.) PWMx8

9). ADCx1

10.) LEDx2

11.) Micro phonex1

12.) Buttonx1

13.) 電源輸出座-(5V,3V輸出)

14.) Power LED indicator

Pico + Pico 擴充板的一些物聯網應用